Current status

All systems operational
Web server
Client server
Database server
Mail server
Steam API
Archive server

Past incidents

Web offline

Our web server is currently experiencing an unknown issue caused by our server hosting provider. Our services may therefore be unavailable, however the Client server is still running, so you can continue delivering jobs. We apologize for any inconveniences.

Data migration

We are migrating data to our new archive sever, so during today the trackings of your deliveries might be temporarily unavailable. Sorry for any inconveniences.

Web server migration

Dear Users, we are going to migrate our main web server, so the web interface will be unavailable on Friday, September 26, 2019, from 11:00 CEST. The outage will last for a few hours (most likely until 15:00 CEST). Please be prepared that it will not be possible to connect to the web interface at the time, however Client won't be affected, so you can continue delivering jobs. Thank you for your understanding.

Trackings are back

The trackings should now be uploading again. Sorry for any inconveniences.

Trackings aren't uploading

Due to the recent software upgrade of our Client server, the trackings of your job deliveries aren't uploading to the server and therefore they are forever lost. We're trying to fix the issue as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding and sorry for any inconveniences.