Current status

All systems operational
Web server
Client server
Database server
Mail server
Steam API
Archive server

Past incidents

Database server is down

We're currently experiencing some database server issues caused by our server provider, so our services may therefore be unavailable. You can continue delivering your jobs via Client in offline mode, they will be uploaded automatically once the issue is resolved. We apologize for any inconveniences.

Database server is back

Everything seems stable again, thank you for your patience.

Database server is down

We're currently experiencing some database server issues caused by our server provider, so our services may therefore be unavailable. You can continue delivering your jobs via Client in offline mode, they will be uploaded automatically once the issue is resolved. We apologize for any inconveniences.

Database server upgrade

Dear users, we are going to upgrade our main database server, so our services will be unavailable on Wednesday, March 17, 2021, from 9:00 CET. The outage will likely last for about 1 to 2 hours, but the actual time might vary. Some intermittent outages might occur later as we optimize our configurations. Keep in mind you won't be able to use the web interface, and the client will run in offline mode during the maintenance. Don't worry, your jobs will still be saved and uploaded once the server is back up. Thank you for your understanding.

Web server upgrade

Dear users, we are finally going to upgrade our web server software, as the last attempt was not successful due to problems on the server provider side. Because of that our web app will be unavailable on Thursday, February 18, 2021, from 9:00 CET. The outage will likely last for a few hours - we hope functionality could be restored at around 13:00 CET, but the actual time might vary. Some intermittent outages might occur later as we optimize our configurations. Keep in mind you won't be able to use the web interface during the upgrade, but our client will work as usual. Hopefully this time everything will go as planned. Thank you for your understanding.