Current status

All systems operational
Web server
Client server
Database server
Mail server
Steam API
Archive server

Past incidents

CDN issues

We're currently experiencing some database issues related to our CDN provider. During this time you may not be able to access the website, it may load very slowly or there can be missing images, but the TB Client is not affected and you can continue delivering jobs without any issues. We apologize for any inconveniences.

Client server is running again

Everything seems stable again, thank you for your patience.

Client server is down

Due to an unforeseen issue we had to temporarily disable the client server. You can continue delivering your jobs via Client in offline mode, they will be uploaded automatically once the issue is resolved. We apologize for any inconveniences.

Archive server is back

Everything seems stable again, thank you for your patience.

Tracking archive server unavailable

We're currently experiencing some database issues on the tracking archive server and we are working hard to fix them. During this time you may not be able to access the uploaded tracking data, but the TB Client is not affected and you can continue delivering jobs without any issues. We apologize for any inconvenience.